Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Explain how totalitarianism can be seen as failure, despite Homer’s glorification of war, through Achilles’ actions, which are shown as a message of warning for the future? -

Choose one prompt from one reading. You are only required to answer one question from the selected prompt. You do not have to answer more than one question from the prompt that is selected.

Write a minimum of a five-sentence paragraph addressing one of the prompts in MLA format on either Beowulf or The Ramayana. Write six to seven complete sentences in the paragraph. Choose one prompt to address. The central point of interpretation must be specific based on one of the prompts. Focus on analyzing and decoding symbolic representations in the work found through an analysis of the authorial tone and diction as you interpret the work. Look for idyllic imagery the author uses to sculpt the transitions between scenes that impact the plot, along with the way imagery is used to define the traits of the mortals versus the gods. This paragraph must be written in complete sentences. The entry should be at least one complete paragraph. There must be a topic sentence, background context, a claim, a citation from the work, an analysis of how the citation proves your claim, and a conclusion sentence that summarizes the main point of the paragraph. Evaluate how the quote proves your point specifically by re-quoting specific phrases as you interpret them by focusing on symbolic representations found through literary devices such as metaphors, personification, similes, etc. and techniques, such as setting, plot, characterization, etc. Only quote or paraphrase one sentence per citation. Add in examples and illustrations to prove your ideas from the text. Any point discussed in the journal from the plot is to be cited in MLA format 9th ed

On MLA formatting: Cite Beowulf as follows: “quote.” (Beowulf, lines). Cite The Ramayana as follows: “quote.” (Valmiki, Ayodhya. book number). Cite from the Iliad as follows: “quote.” (Homer, book. lines).

Choose from the following prompts:

If you choose Beowulf, choose among the following:

1. Using Beowulf as a paradigm for the heroic epic, which three elements strike you as the most characteristic or vital that are found in the epic? Which of these would be most effectively expressed through character consciousness and through a poetic or narrative consciousness?

2. Many of the poem’s defining features are derived from long-standing traditions of the oral narrative. In contrast, what do you consider particularly “literary,” “written,” or “composed” about Beowulf?

3. Recall a challenge Beowulf faced that did not directly involve a monstrous enemy. How did this occurrence, presented as part of the linear narrative embedded within it, complement Beowulf’s heroic progress?

If you choose The Ramayana of Valmiki, choose among the following:

1. Define the role of dharma in connection to Rama’s journey. Who is his most important guide along the way helping him make his decisions from your perspective? Why is this so important when defining his role in the epic?

2. Explain how existentialist ideals in connection to the natural law impacts the plot in the epic? Is this relevant in our world today? Would the characters stand the test of time?

From The Iliad, you may choose the following:

a. Would you consider Achilles to be the quintessential tragic hero? Why or why not? Focus on matters of hubris and hamartia as you answer this question. Give specific examples and illustrations to prove your point.

b. Consider the presentation of the gods in The Iliad. What is their role? Do they control humans? Do humans have free will? Are the gods fickle, or do they support some essential order?

c. Focus on how, despite some similarities that can be pinpointed between Hector and Achilles, that they can be interpreted as essentially being opposites.

d. Explain how Achilles’ both displays and contradicts Rousseau’s theory of the state of nature. The state of nature is defined as follows:

“it is a morally neutral and peaceful condition in which (mainly) solitary individuals act according to their basic urges (for instance, hunger) as well as their natural desire for self-preservation.”
e. Explain how totalitarianism can be seen as failure, despite Homer’s glorification of war, through Achilles’ actions, which are shown as a
message of warning for the future? How are such political philosophies exposed in our world today.
Read and respond to Auden’s poem in connection to the epic: The Shield of Achilles by W. H. Auden – Poems | Academy of American Poets
f. How would Epicureans respond to Achilles’s ideals as they emphasize the concept of ” finding happiness through living simply” in comparison to Heraclitus’ critique of Homer’s belief “that the nature of things as they are depends on strife”? Describe how this ties into Achilles’ view of the Hesiodic cosmos.
Formal Reader-Response Entries (3)
Description of criterion

Grammar and Concision
Correct usage of grammar is required. If you need guidance, review the Writer’s Reference and Purdue OWL. Write for a scholarly audience. Do not use slang or informal diction. Direct your sentences in a way that gets to the main focus on the subject and verb as quickly as possible with the most detailed and specific descriptions. Avoid the overuse of prepositional phrases. Do not use run-on sentences. Look for vague wording and use more precise diction to communicate the main point of your sentences effectively. Use specific diction to write concisely.
2.6 to 5 pts

MLA Formatting
When referencing a source, make sure to paraphrase and quote the citation in MLA ninth ed. formatting.
There should be a parenthetical citation after the quote in mid-sentence or at the end of the sentence. Here are some examples:
(Beowulf lines)
(Petrarch, lines 9-10)
(Hamlet Act. Scene. Line)
2.5 pts
/5 pts
Analysis of the topic
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0.1 to 5 pts

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/5 pts
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