Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Using the Prospectus Form with Section 1 and the Research Purpose completed, draft a review question(s) that meets the r -

APA format, in-text citations, references include. 

Included the prospectus form draft, read it with the suggestion then fix it based on the suggestion. Also, Using the Prospectus Form with Section 1 and the Research Purpose completed, draft a review question(s) that meets the review questions requirements in the Prospectus Form appendix.


Section 2: Identifying best practices to improve outcomes in information and management. 

Section 1: Please use one of the eight healthcare administration domains. General management is the use of analytic, problem solving, and systems thinking skills to facilitate, support, and implement decision-making within an organization. 

Financial management is the use of financial analysis, reimbursement techniques and strategies, financial outcome measures, and financial planning to achieve organizational objectives.

Human resource management is the use of effective workforce planning, performance management, labor relations, and federal regulation compliance regarding employees of an organization. 

Organizational dynamics and governance are the use of governance structures and organizational leadership to foster trust and effectively support operational systems in order to achieve organizational goals. 

Strategic planning and marketing are setting organizational direction and strategies based on an understanding of the market and market forces and communicating an organization’s capabilities and strengths to consumers.

Information management is the use of hard and soft technologies to promote managerial and clinical efficiency for improved health care delivery while planning for future organizational needs. 

Risk management is the use of liability, compliance, and related information to implement strategies to mitigate risk, avoid malpractice, and plan for disasters.

Quality improvement is the application of techniques that continually improve the quality of care provided, patient safety, organizational performance, and the financial health of the organization. 

DHA Integrative Review Project Prospectus Form

(For Students that started the DHA program in Fall 2021 or after)

Students | Complete your DHA project planning using this form. This form must be completed exactly as instructed in the appendix to be approved. For additional information and resources, refer to the DHA Project Completion page. There are five sections on the form to complete that must be approved by your committee. The six sections include:

1. Research Problem

2. Purpose and Review Question

3. Framework

4. Significance

5. Research Alignment Table

6. Appendix (The appendix provides examples and instructions on how to complete this form)

Submit this completed form into MyDR for formal evaluation and feedback when your project mentor indicates that you are ready to do so.

Student’s Name | Kelly Nhu Tran Student ID | Click or tap here to enter text.

Program | Submission Date | Click arrow to select a date.

*Remember that your study focus must be within the realm of your program and specialization area.

Evaluators Only | Complete this section and provide feedback on responses and rubric scores in the form where noted.

Mentor’s Name | Click or tap here to enter text. Overall Assessment: Choose an item.

Co-Mentor’s Name | Click or tap here to enter text. Overall Assessment: Choose an item.

Working Title

(Click here for instructions and examples)

Provide a concise (aim for 12 words or fewer) working title for this study. (Be sure to include your HSO type and practice-based problem.)

Enhancing Telemedicine Services in Community Hospitals: Addressing Information management for improved outcome.

Section 1: Practice-based Problem

(Click here for instructions and examples)

Healthcare Services Organization (HSO) Type

With no more than 1-2 sentences identify and describe your selected HSO type.

Community hospitals that provide healthcare services, including emergency care, primary care, and outpatient services, particularly in underserved or rural areas.

HSO Problem of Interest

What is the healthcare services organization (HSO) problem of interest that prompted you to search the literature to find out more? Write only 1-2 complete sentences using a scholarly tone.

Limited access to quality healthcare in underserved areas due to ineffective information management, information managerial and clinical decision-making.

Healthcare Administration Problem

In one sentence, what is your healthcare administration problem? This will be more focused than the problem of interest noted above.

User training, patient confidentiality , data security , regulation and compliance, and interoperability hinder operational efficiency and patient access

Health Administration Research Domains

Which DHA research domain does your healthcare administration problem align with?

Community hospitals often lack comprehensive strategies to train, support, and retain healthcare professionals in adopting and effectively using telemedicine tools towards patient confidentiality, data security, regulation and compliance, and interoperability.

Healthcare Administration Research Problem Justification Sources

Provide a minimum of 3 sources that clearly state in the conclusion or research findings of the published source that a healthcare administration problem currently exists.

Source 1


Full APA Citation:

Hadian M, Jelodar ZK, Khanbebin MJ, Atafimanesh P, Asiabar AS, Dehagani SMH. Challenges of Implementing Telemedicine Technology: A systematized Review . Int J Prev Med. 29;15:8. DOI: 10.4103/ijpvm.ijpvm_48_23

Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):

The study’s purpose is to determine the challenges facing the health system of different countries in the application of telemedicine.

Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):

The authors concluded that telemedicine presents significant opportunities in healthcare and addressing the challenges is essential for improved outcomes

How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):

The article address challenges in telemedicine application in my HSO hence direct justifies my case.

Source 2


Full APA Citation:

Anawade PA, Sharma D, Gahane S. A Comprehensive Review on Exploring the Impact of Telemedicine on Healthcare Accessibility. Cureus. 2024 Mar 12; 16(3):e55996. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.55996

Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):

To examine impact of telemedicine on healthcare accessibility, exploring its ability to overcome geographical, financial, sociocultural, and infrastructural barriers to healthcare access

Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):

The researchers concluded that streamlining telemedicine challenges supports cost reduction, quality and improved care delivery.

How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):

This article aligns with how effective information management addresses telemedicine adoptability and challenges.

Source 3


Full APA Citation:

Benjamin, I., Idoko, J., Alakwe, J., 3, Ugwu, O., OchanyaIdoko, F., & Ayoola, V. (2024). The role of telemedicine in rural America: Overcoming electrical and technological barriers to improve health outcomes. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 188–205

Purpose of Research (1 sentence only):

The research explore the current state of telemedicine in rural America, identifying the key challenges related to infrastructure and technology that impede its widespread adoption

Author’s Conclusion or Results of Research (1 sentence only):

The authors conclude that there are infrastructural , technological and application challenges are existing in telemedicine implementation.

How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):

Identifying the challenge’s in telemedicine application resonates with my paper’s HSO

Practice Gap Statement

Now that you have identified a current healthcare administration problem you will compose a Practice Gap Statement (PGS) following the example and instructions in the appendix. Your PGS should not be longer that 2-3 sentences.

Based on American Hospital Associations, by 2017, 61.2% hospitals have developed remote patients monitoring capabilities. Statistics shows that 97% of Americans can receive telemedicine services with the figure downsizing to 65% in Rural areas.

Practice Gap Sources

Provide a minimum of 1 source that clearly states desired ideal state of professional practice related to your healthcare administration problem.

Source 1


Full APA Citation:

Nwankwo, E., Emeihe, E., Ajegbile, M., Olaboye, J., & Maha, C. (2024). Integrating Telemedicine and AI to Improve Healthcare Access in Rural Settings. International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2024, 07(01), 059–077

Desired Ideal State of Professional Practice:

Improved healthcare services in rural settings

Desired Ideal State of Professional Practice:

Enhanced remote consultations, diagnosis, and treatment and telecommunication technology

Section 1: Feedback and Scoring

Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.


Met ☐

Not Met ☐

Detailed Feedback:

Click or tap here to enter text.


Met ☐

Not Met ☐

Detailed Feedback:

Click or tap here to enter text.

Section 2: Purpose and Review Questions

(Click here for instructions and examples)

The research purpose and review questions must be derived entirely by the sources provided in section 1.

Research Purpose

To address your stated problem, what is the purpose of your study using no more than 1-2 sentences??

To address Telemedicine Services in Community Hospitals: Addressing Information management for improved outcome

Review Question(s)

Conclude with your review question. (1 sentences)

What are the strategies to enhance telemedicine application through effective information management in rural healthcare settings?

Section 2: Feedback and Scoring

Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.


Met ☐

Not Met ☐

Detailed Feedback:

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Met ☐

Not Met ☐

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Section 3: Framework

(Click here for instructions and examples)

Framework (Conceptual or Theoretical)

What theory(ies) and/or concept(s) support (frame) your study and who are the original authors? Provide an in-text citation with your response, and the complete APA reference.

Source 1


Full APA Citation:

Novikova, Z., Singerb, S., & Milstein, A. (2021). Innovation Diffusion Across 13 Specialties And Associated Clinician Characteristics. Advances in Health Care Management, (22), 97–115

Purpose of Framework (1 sentence only):

To explain how innovations spread within a social system over time

Key Constructs of Framework (1 sentence only):

Identifies innovators and early adaptors, perceived attributes and communication channels

How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):

Diffusion of Innovation Theory provide an effective framework on how technologies such as telemedicine is innovated and adopted in a clinical settings, resonating with my HSO on improving quality care in healthcare setting through effective information management in telemedicine applications.

Full APA Citation:

Chen, B., Chang, Y., Wang, B., Zou, J., & Tu, S. (2024). Technology acceptance model perspective on the intention to participate in medical talents training in China. Heliyon 10 (2024) e26206,

Purpose of Framework (1 sentence only):

Technology acceptance model focuses on factors that facilitate technology acceptance

Key Constructs of Framework (1 sentence only):

The Framework accommodate key concepts including perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use

How this relates to my study (1 sentence only):

In the healthcare, setting the framework helps assess whether healthcare providers believe telemedicine is beneficial and easy to integrate, addressing information management challenges.

How do these theories and/or concepts relate to your healthcare administration problem, purpose, and review question? (no more than 2-3 sentences)

Diffusion of Innovation Theory provide an effective framework on how technologies such as telemedicine is innovated and adopted in a clinical settings, resonating with my HSO on improving quality care in healthcare setting through effective information management in telemedicine applications. In the healthcare, setting the framework helps assess whether healthcare providers believe telemedicine is beneficial and easy to integrate, addressing information management challenges.

Section 3: Feedback and Scoring

Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.


Met ☐

Not Met ☐

Detailed Feedback:

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Met ☐

Not Met ☐

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Section 4: Significance

(Click here for instructions and examples)


How will your study address the meaningful, discipline-specific issue that you identified and therefore contribute to your field, discipline, professional practice, etc. contributing to positive social change?

Addressing challenges in telemedicine information management in rural healthcare setting will improve accessibility and quality care , hence a social change

Significance of study related to social determinants?

Improved telemedicine adoption and improved patient outcomes

Section 4: Feedback and Scoring

Project mentors will provide a scoring of “Met” or “Not Met” for this section. In the case of a “Not Met” scoring detailed feedback will be included on how to successfully revise the specific elements above.


Met ☐

Not Met ☐

Detailed Feedback:

Click or tap here to enter text.


Met ☐

Not Met ☐

Detailed Feedback:

Click or tap here to enter text.

Section 5: Research Alignment Table

(Click here for instructions and examples)

Complete the Research Design Alignment Table using the information from earlier sections of this form. Using an alignment table can assist with ensuring the alignment of your research design.

Research Design Alignment Table Video Tutorial (YouTube) | Doctoral Research Design Alignment Appointments or