Order Instructions
1. Based on your observations and the readings and opinions presented in our course, what do you think the key elements of the current US Grand Strategy entail? If you think that we lack a Grand Strategy and need one, what do you recommend that it contain? If you think that a Grand Strategy is unnecessary, what policies do you recommend?
Initial Post: A student’s initial posting should be between 350-500 words (not including the questions or references). Your initial post should be posted by 11:59pm on Thursday, December 54, 2024.
Response Posts: Post at least two 150-word responses to other students’ posts. Your response posts should be posted by 11:59pm on Saturday, December 7, 2024.
Late Submissions: For each day late following the due date (Thursday for primary post, Saturday for responses), 10% will be reduced from that week’s discussion board assignment. After 5 days, no submission is allowed. “Late” begins after 11:59pm on the date it is due.
Etiquette: All discussion postings will be civil and respectful, even if there is lively disagreement.
Substantive Responses: Be sure to engage substantively with each other’s commentaries. Imagine sitting across a table from someone who began every reply with “Thank you for your insightful points. I really appreciate how articulate you were.” It seems awkward, doesn’t it? Instead, dive straight into the meat of what his/her point is. Substantive engagement over vague compliments.
Citations: Direct quotes must be in quotation marks, cited. No more than 15% of the overall word count should be direct quotes. If you are paraphrasing an author, provide the citation. Any academic writing style (APA, Chicago, MLA) is acceptable.
Use of AI is strictly Prohibited
The absence of grand strategy : the United States in the Persian Gulf, 1972-2005 , Yetiv, Steven A.
BookBaltimore, Md. :, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008., Total pages xi, 250 pages :
Strategy, Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, Sir
Book2nd rev. ed, New York, N.Y., U.S.A, Meridian; New York, N.Y., U.S.A: Meridian, 1991